our history

Creative Edge Studio founder Kari Fox is a native daughter of Wisconsin. Born and raised in Harland, her interest in art and design throughout her childhood naturally progressed into her chosen career. She attended Marian University where she studied and graduated with a B.A. in Graphic Design. It is no secret that while in her attendance there, the United States suffered a dramatic economic down turn in 2008. This was not a desirable situation for a fresh-faced Kari emerging with her degree in 2010, but nonetheless a challenge she would prove to be well up to.
Some businesses require even more advertising to remain competitive in a bad economy. Kari recognized this in 2009 when she approached Fox Bros. Piggly Wiggly and introduced herself. Management soon recognized that with her up-to-date technical and artistic capabilities, she was able to streamline their production throughout the business. Empowered with Kari working these new technologies, Fox Bros. was able to maintain their brand awareness among their customer base and save money. The methods and practices were cost sparing on resources and ushered a new level of productivity to the store. Piggly Wiggly remains a continuing client of Creative Edge Studio to this day.
In 2012, Kari began performing graphic design work for the Scan Group, which services several big accounts like General Electric, Sears, and Florsheim. Her ability to listen and understand the needs of these corporate giants was welcomed by all and she assisted the art director in leading the national and international marketing campaigns laid before them.
At the Scan Group, she also took on restaurant marketing, another sector that benefits from smart planning and executing campaigns during economically challenged times. There are many design facets in making a restaurant the best it can be and they can be tricky to master. It was no problem for Kari who created brilliant covers, scientifically proven menu designs, table-top marketing, and a host of ancillary promo items.
Having serviced every kind of small to large business over the years has brought Kari and her associates at Creative Edge Studio to the pinnacle of design performance. Their wide range of production tools and skills mean that you can be the owner of a Mom and Pop shop or a multinational corporate conglomerate and have confidence in receiving the highest level of work. The “all-under-one-roof” approach at Creative Edge Studio also means that your projects, across any media in marketing will all enjoy a uniformity in their appearance. This further enhances the success of your advertising, which of course works in part by repetition. If this kind of passion, quality, clarity, consistency and cost is something you seek for your firm, then Creative Edge Studio is the right choice for you!